Fast. Accurate. Simple.
Introducing the first ever free, at-home or in-hospital ADAMTS13 test for any patient in the US offered through the USTMA. Rapid turnaround for both diagnostic and monitoring purposes.

Mobile phlebotomist travels to patient for draw
Draw scheduled within 48 hours of request
Same day resulting upon sample receipt
Results interpretation consultation available
Same day resulting upon sample receipt
Quick results included interpretation that will be complemented by USTMA materials
Results interpretation consultation available
Why Fast4TMA is Needed
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a life-threatening condition, caused by a marked deficiency in the enzyme ADAMTS13 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with a thrombospondin type-13). The rapid recognition of a patient with TTP [or TMA] is critical to starting effective treatment. Rapid ADAMTS13 testing is recommended and having results in <72 hours is considered “ideal” for diagnosing TTP(2). In addition, rapid testing of ADAMTS13 activity levels prevents either initiating or continuing unnecessary treatment in patients who have the clinical or laboratory findings similar to those of TTP(3) and is cost-effective when performed at a laboratory that can turn-around testing in <24 hours(4).
1. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18:2496–2502.
2. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18:2486–2495
3. Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 5–6
4. Vox Sang. 2020 Jul;115(5):433-442.